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The World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth – Working Group 13   Intercultural Dialogue Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge and Technology, gathered in the city of Cochabamba 19 to April 22, 2010, reached the following agreements: Read the rest of this entry »

The Indigenous-Originary-Rural Peoples and Social Organizations of Bolivia, gathered in the city of Cochabamba on March 29th and 30th 2010 for the Pre-Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, elected their representatives for carrying out the debate for the Working Group Nº 13 on Development and Transfer of Technology, representatives composed by the following people:   

President: Evan Alvarado Ayca – COB

 Actuary:   Gabriela Quiroga – Federación del Trópico Chapare            

Spokesman:   Albino Paniagua – Comunidades Interculturales

Room assistant:   Roberto Fernández – EMI Intern.

Facilitator:    Sergio Alberto Fernández – Official of the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Despite commitments regarding the “Development and Transfer of Technology” under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change set forth fifteen years ago, developed countries have failed to comply.

How to construct mechanisms (institutional, financial, managerial, etc.) that would permit an efficient, effective, and sustainable “Development and Transfer of Technology” toward developing countries? How to get past barriers regarding the enforcement of intellectual and other forms of property? What means are necessary for reasserting the specific capacities and technologies of developing countries? Why does Copenhagen fail to represent advances in this area?

The objective of this group is to develop a proposal for guaranteeing the “Development and Transfer of Technology” toward developing countries as established under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Objectives of the group in terms of debate and product

  • To make a proposal that ensures the development and transfer of technology to developing countries by developed countries in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).  
  • To analyse and propose alternatives to overcome the different barriers of market, intellectual property, financing and others which restrict and/or hinder the development and transfer of technology to developing countries.
  • To analyse the Understanding of  Copenhague regarding this matter.

Main issues to be discussed by the group

  • How to ensure the compliance with the commitment of developed countries transferring technology to developed countries as established in the UNFCCC?
  • Why does the scheme for carbon market have failed to comply with the commitments of development and transfer of technology? 
  • What are the particularities (institutional structure, governance, financing, etc.) of a mechanism whereby the process of development and transfer of technology to developing countries is effective, efficient and sustained.
  • How to overcome the barriers of intellectual property and others hindering the development and transfer of technology to developing countries? 
  • Which measures should be put in place to reassess and spread the endogenous capacities and technologies of developing countries?
  • What are the reasons why the Copenhague Accord (Understanding of Copenhague) does not ensure the development and transfer of technology?

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The Indigenous-Originary-Rural Peoples and Social Organizations of Bolivia, gathered in the city of Cochabamba on March 29th and 30th 2010 for the Pre-Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, elected their representatives for carrying out the debate for the Working Group Nº 13 on Development and Transfer of Technology, representatives composed by the following people:    

            President:                 Evan Alvarado Ayca – COB

            Actuary:                     Gabriela Quiroga – Federación del Trópico Chapare            

      Spokesman:                     Albino Paniagua – Comunidades Interculturales

Room assistant:                   Roberto Fernández – EMI Intern.

Facilitator:                             Sergio Alberto Fernández – Official of the Bolivian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Group Participants: Marcelo Farías Paco, Oscar Castillo, Rolando Mostajo, Darío Cuajera, Angel Aguilar, Miguel Anze, Agripino Cruz, Leandro Poma, Ronald Arispe, Celestino Poma, Pablo Poma, Emilio Apaza, Dora Martínez, Freddy Campos e Inka Andrade.

Once their Directive Board was elected, they proceeded to broadly debate on the topics related to the development and transfer of technology, achieving specific agreements and conclusions. Hence, the Indigenous-Originary-Rural Peoples and Social Organizations of Bolivia:

Demand the fulfilment and the revision of the commitments assumed by developed countries in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, regarding the development and transfer of technology. 

These technologies must be clean, environmentally sound, accessible for all developing countries and must not be subject to profit, nor commercialization. Hence, they reject the proposal of developed countries of creating a “technology pool” where instead of transferring technology, it is put to sale and to inaccessible costs.    Read the rest of this entry »

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