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The need for a new system

1. The model of capitalist development is a threat to life because it prioritizes consumerism and the generation of profits over common well-being and the satisfaction of basic needs, denying the interconnection that exists between human life and nature. This anthropocentric model based on the private accumulation of wealth and maximization of economic growth generates inequality, poverty, exclusion, and environmental destruction. It is a model that destroys communities as well as nature. Read the rest of this entry »

Recognizing that we are the children and not the owners of Mother Earth, and reasserting the principle of community, understood as unity among all living things, we declare:

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“Change the system, not the climate” has become a familiar slogan. But what kind of system should replace the current one? What new alternatives are being built at local, national, regional and international levels to challenge the current system based on consumption, waste and the marketing of all aspects of life and nature? What should be the fundamental principles of “another world is possible and necessary”?

How can we build a world in which harmony is reestablished between humans and nature for the well-being of all humanity and our Mother Earth?

The objective of this working group is to rethink, recover, analyze, and develop structural alternatives to the capitalist system and to promote solutions that strike at the root of the climate change problem.


Recognizing that we are the children and not the owners of Mother Earth, and reasserting the principle of community, understood as unity among all living things, we declare:

• To achieve harmony with nature, we must put into practice the principles of reciprocity, complementarity, mutual respect for the sovereignty of our nations, justice, equality, and respect for cultural diversity. Read the rest of this entry »

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