The social movements and popular organizations gathered at the CMPCC communicate that despite our constant protests and numerous mobilizations, the capitalist governments, international agencies and financial institutions continue on the path of exacerbating the destruction of the planet. Climate change is one of the most serious threats to food sovereignty of all peoples of the world.Once again we state that:

  1. agribusiness through its social, economic and culture of development under globalized capitalist production and the logic of food production for the market does not to fulfill the right to adequate food and is a major cause of climate change. The change of land usage (deforestation and expansion of the agricultural frontier), monocrops, production, marketing and use of agrochemical inputs, industrial food processing and the logistic to transport them thousands of kilometers to reach the consumer, the production of greenhouse gases in the megadepósitos of garbage and manure from intensive industrial livestock, are major causes of the climate crisis and the growing number of hungry and malnourished peoples in the world.
  2. that depredation and destruction of aquifers, springs and bodies of water and ecosystems and ecological cycles that give life are inextricably linked to the privatization processes that are driven from capitalist governments and international agencies. At the same time we see how climate change will destroy glaciers and other water sources, we find that the basic human right of access to water for consumption of all living organisms and food production is restricted on a daily basis product of the progress of industrial agriculture, mining, oil extraction, industrial food processing, forest plantations, the plantations and production of agrofuels, industrial aquaculture and hydroelectric megaprojects.
  3. that territorial deployment of mega infrastructure at the service of big business alter natural, social and cultural processes, obstructing harmonious means of cohabitation with Mother Earth, destroying livelihoods, driving rural communities into the cities, indigenous peoples and fishers from their territories, facilitating the expansion of extractive and agro-export model.
  4. Climate change causes forced migration in rural areas, thus, represents a threat to indigenous peoples, peasant communities and fishermen, who are most affected when their livelihoods, their ancestral wisdom and local agricultural are destroyed and hence their identity.
  5. that agrofuels are not an alternative because they direct agricultural production for transport before the production of food for humans. Biofuels expand the agricultural frontier, destroying forests and biodiversity, generate monocrops, promote the concentration of land, degrade soils, deplete water sources, contribute to rising food prices and consume more energy than they generate.
  6. that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are not a solution to climate change and are exclusively a tool of corporations to control seeds and food globally. They pose a serious attack on local knowledge, human health, the environment, local autonomy and hamper the effective implementation of the Right to Adequate Food.
  7. That they continue to develop technologies to serve the interests of big business and presenting them as solutions to the different crises that Mother Earth and Humanity face. We know that they are all false solutions and are used as tools of accumulation and represent big revenues to large multinationals, which only exacerbate the dependency, the concentration and destruction. Some that stand out are geo-engineering, nanotechnology, Terminator and similar technologies, synthetic biology and biochar.
  8. that the advance of free trade through economic partnership agreements, free trade treaties and investment protection, among others, are a direct attack on the sovereignty of countries and peoples, autonomy of the States and the ability of multilateral action by international agencies. As implementation progresses, the destructive impacts increase on local economies, food sovereignty, environmental, social and cultural rights and nutrition of the peoples and the rights of Mother Earth.
  9. that the current concentration of land and oceans by economic groups, corporations and hedge funds both state and private are one of the most serious and imminent attacks faced by people and their food sovereignty; both socially and politically. The extreme concentration and denationalization of the land, compounded by the current free trade rules, attack plant and animal biodiversity, are against land reforms, the right to adequate food and the process of reconstitution of indigenous and peasant lands that social movements have fought relentlessly.
  10. that the various forms of Intellectual Property Rights are an instrument of privatization that destroy local, traditional and scientific systems of knowledge restricting the use and conservation of agricultural biodiversity and agricultural while outlawing cultural, local, community and ancestral practices.

Faced with this reality faced by people around the world, social movements and popular organizations gathered in this CMPCC pledge to continue fighting for a set of solutions and mobilize to ensure that governments fulfill their duty till they carry them out. We will center our efforts to build food sovereignty, defending and supporting peasant and indigenous agriculture as sources of food, dignity and identity and as a real and concrete alternative to cool the planet and putting gender equality at the heart of our action. The solutions that we see as priorities are:
11. Enhance and restore agro-cultures and local livelihoods, rural and indigenous and ancestral knowledge that apply to systems of food production and harvesting, local and traditional systems of health that have been degraded and undervalued by the logic-oriented agribusiness overproduction, export and profit generation, noting that Food Sovereignty is the way to respond and solve climate change.

12. Promote and secure funding policies and mechanisms for public participation and social control over agricultural production systems to avoid damage to Mother Earth. These should include research, extension and public investment to eliminate the use of petrochemical-based agricultural inputs, improve soil organic content, reducing post-harvest losses, strengthen local markets, promote urban agriculture, protect water sources and bodies of water as well as support indigenous and peasant family farming and Food Sovereignty.  

13. Defend, revalue and disseminate the sustainable indigenous and peasant agricultural production, and other ecological and traditional practices that contribute to solving the problem of climate change and ensure food sovereignty, understood as the right of peoples to control their own seeds, land, water and food production, ensuring, through local production, autonomous (participatory, community and shared) and culturally appropriate, consistent and complementary with Mother Earth, the peoples’ access to sufficient, varied and nutritious food as well as deepening the production of each nation and people. At the same time we reject the global food standardization and its nutritional, environmental, social, cultural and health impacts.

14. Recognize the right of all peoples, living beings and Mother Earth to access and enjoy water. Also recognize the right of peoples and countries to control, regulate and plan respectful use and supportive management of water and its cycles in the framework of agreements and international conventions and customary law, banning any form of privatization and commodification of water, creating popular participation institutions regulating their multiple use, protecting its quality ensuring future use for consumption by living organisms and food production. In this context we support the proposal of the Government of Bolivia to recognize water as a fundamental human right expressed in the “Declaration on the Human Right to Water” and we see as an important step in the right direction.

15. Ban technologies and technological processes that endanger the welfare and survival of Mother Earth and living things which are driven only by its potential to produce profits for a small number of companies, both cause and accelerate change climate, for example: agrofuels, genetically modified organisms, nanotechnology, geoengineering and all those under the assumption that they help the climate, in fact undermine food sovereignty and assault Mother Earth. We call for a worldwide permanent ban on Terminator technology, farmacrops and the like.

16. Prohibit trawler fishing because it is depredatory and destructive of biodiversity and the livelihoods of fishers and crafts.

17. Prohibit large scale mining that destroys ecosystems, expels local populations, polluts waterways and threatens food sovereignty of peoples.

18. Reject, condemn and prohibit any political-military and trade strategy that undermines food sovereignty of peoples and makes them more vulnerable to climate change.

19. Uphold the primacy of human rights, economic, social and cultural rights of Mother Earth, and biodiversity over the TRIPS (treaties protecting intellectual property) and any other trade agreement under international law. Countries must also ensure respect for the collective knowledge of indigenous and peasants peoples and therefore defend the collective right of decision on access and use of this knowledge. National measures to implement this would not be subject to litigation under the rules of trade agreements that strengthen or protect intellectual property rights. Any formal investigation developed with public support must be public good, not subject to intellectual property rules that restrict information sharing.

20. Prohibit any form of patenting and intellectual property to any form of life and ancestral and traditional knowledge canceling existing patents.

21. Prohibit dumping (selling products below production cost) and unfair trade practices of industrialized countries that distort food prices affecting the food sovereignty; making non-industrialized countries vulnerable to climate change.

22. Implement policies and regulations to protect small domestic food production, including the type of subsidies it considers necessary to its agricultural sector, as well as ensuring their right to set tariff barriers equivalent to any subsidy incorporated in exported products and allowing the free movement of local production.

23. We affirm that the central part of the solution to climate change is through the strengthening and expansion of rural agri-food systems, urban agriculture and artisanal fishing. This means that not only necessary to change the vision of industrial food production and global market-oriented profit, but to change the vision that assumes that the earth is a resource without rights only oriented to satisfy the greed of human beings. We gathered as people to say that the planet is a living entity with rights and spirit.

24. To promote broad based, deep, genuine agrarian reform and reconstitution of indigenous, and afro descendent territories, building participatory policies with a gender focus, so that farmers and indigenous peoples, their cultures and lifestyles regain a central and fundamental role, vital in world agriculture to achieve food sovereignty and restore harmony to achieve global climate balance. Agrarian reform of this kind must include respect for local and ancestral knowledge and ensure the necessary arrangements to ensure production at all stages of the chain (cultivation, processing, marketing). We demand the recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and the recognition and respect of their territories

25. Promote and strengthen holistic education (spiritual, physical and social) for Food Sovereignty as support for the changes needed to integrate their proposals at all levels of formal and non formal education, developing contents for local realities encountered on the basis of a pluricultural vision with full participation of communities responding to the needs of each region and community. At the same time argue that the extensive information and communication on these issues is one of the biggest challenges we face.

26. We declare that native and creole seeds as the heritage of the peoples in the service of humanity, the fundamental basis of food sovereignty and freedom of movement in the hands of indigenous and peasant peoples; maintained and multiplied by the custodians of seeds according to cultures of each people.

27. We demand that the impacts of global warming on Food Sovereignty be inserted within the framework of discussions on climate change and inserted into national legislation.