Taking into consideration the call of our brother Evo Morales Ayma President of the Plurinational State o f Bolivia, in order that the peoples of the World speak out on decisions relating to Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, and as the outcome of the work developed by representations of CIDOB social organizations, CSUTCB (FESORC) CONAMAQ, CSCIB, COB and CNMCIOB “BS” (Alliance of Women), the following determinations were agreed by consensus:

1.    Supporting the referendum on climate change nationwide and globally. 

2.    Once all of the World Referendum questions were presented and the corresponding analysis and discussion for the working group were developed, it has been determined to contribute in the drafting of the five questions, now read as follows:

a. Do you agree to restore harmony with nature, being aware of the rights of Mother Earth?

b. Do you agree to change this over consumption and waste model that represents capitalist system?

c. Do you agree that developed countries should reduce and re-absorb their domestic greenhouse gas emissions for temperature not to rise more than 1 degree Celsius(1°C)?

d. Do you agree with transferring everything spent on wars and allocating a higher budget in defense of Mother Earth?

e. Do you agree to establish a Climate Justice Tribunal to judge those who destroy Mother Earth?

3. In order to effectively develop a World Referendum, the working group has identified the need to take into account the following aspects:

  1. To include the World Referendum as a necessary element at the World People’s Conference, to be held in Cochabamba from 19th to 22nd April, 2010.
  2. To create the Unity of Peoples’ Nations (UPN) as a representative organism of the peoples, fostering the World Referendum.
  3. Considering the difficulties and the need to influence on global negotiations on climate change, the World Referendum should be held on October 12th, 2010, recognizing this date as the day of the WORLD REFERENDUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE.
  4. The results of the Referendum should affect the decisions to be taken at the Conference of the Parties (COP16) in December 2010, in Mexico.
  5. Taking into account the mechanisms needed to develop a task as large as the World Referendum, the working group suggests that the voting can be represented by popular vote, through electronic channels, peoples’ habits and customs and /or both.

The Referendum should be developed by the corresponding electoral organisms, in countries supported by their governments.

The debate on proposals concerning the Climate Change Referendum was held at the “Casa Campestre”, from 15:30 hours until 19:30 on Monday March 29th, 2010, with the participation of 20 representatives and 9 social organizations.