The following are the self-organized events approved so far. The deadline for registration is March 15, 2010.

Title: People’s Assembly and Speak Out on Climate Change
Organizers: Peoples Movement on Climate Change – Asia Pacific Research Network, IBON International, Coastal Development Partnership –Bangladesh, Green Movement of Sri Lanka, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Kenya Debt Relief Network, IBON Africa, Labour Health and Human Rights Development Center –Nigeria, Right to Water in the Arab Region, Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development, Ethiopia Consumers Association (to be co-organized with Union Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, and the Plataforma Boliviana Frente al Cambio Climático)
Country or region: International


Title: Conversations with Mother Earth
County or region: International.


Title: How International Youth Can Make A Difference: Perspectives from the Parliament for the World’s Religions in Melbourne, Australia
Organizers: Youth Media Project
Country or region: International


Title: Compromising and Caving In: The Nemesis of Climate Change Justice
Organizers: Global Compliance Research Project | Joan Russow (Phd) Canadians for Action on Climate Change | Cory Morningstar Pacific Indigenous Peoples Environment Coalition | Sandy Gauntlett
Country or region: International.


Title: Join the International Movement against Canada’s Tar Sands
Organizers: The panel is sponsored by the Indigenous Environmental Network and the Council of Canadians
Country or region: International.


Title: Seminar con Civilizing Crisis and alternative models: Addressing the causes of climate change and the impacts on the peoples in Africa and Latin America
Organizers: Dialogue among Peoples (UNAC Mozambique-TCOE Sudáfrica, IBASE-Brasil, Instituto Paulo Freire, Grito de los Excluidos, Movimiento de Mujeres Campesinas, ANAMURI et al)
Country or region: Canada and U.S.


Title: Towards the construction of a South-South political agenda in defense of Pacha Mama and peoples
Organizers: Dialogo among Peoples (UNAC Mozambique-TCOE Sudáfrica, IBASE-Brasil, Instituto Paulo Freire, Grito de los Excluidos, Movimiento de Mujeres Campesinas, ANAMURI et al)
Country or region: Latin America – Africa


Title: Presentation of the Books: “Climate Change and Right to feeding” and “The Right to Development in a World of Climate Restrictions”
Organizers: Heinrich Böll Cono Sur Foundation; Conosur Sustentable
Country or region: Chile


Title: “Climate Manipulation and new technologies”
Organizers: ETC Group / Grupo ETC
Country or region: International


Title: “Agriculture, food sovereignty, and climate change”
Organizers: Vía Campesina, ETC Group, GRAIN, Amigos de la Tierra
Country or region: Latin America.


Title: The Forests and its Peoples Facing Climate Change and Agendas
Organizers: Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental A.C. (CEMDA), Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible A.C. (CCMSS), Grupo de Estudios Ambientales A.C. (GEA) , Grupo Autónomo para la Investigación Ambiental (GAIA), Comunidad indígena forestal, Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, Comunidad indígena forestal, Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán
Country or region: Mexico.


Title: “Bringing Focus on Agriculture In Climate Change Negotiations”
Organizers: Pairvi Associates, CECOEDECON, Beyond Copenhagen, SADED (All are networks and organizations working in India and other regions of Asia)
Country or region: India, Asia


Title: Extractive Megaprojects and repression
Organizers: Frente de Lucha Mapuche y Campesino
Country or region: Argentina.


Title: Unions and a global fight for green jobs
Organizers: Campaign against Climate Change Trade Union Group (UK); University and College Union (UK); Communication Workers Union (UK); Public and Commercial Services union (UK); Transport Salaried Staff Association (UK)
Country or region: UK


Title: Climate Change and Animal Wealth
Organizers: World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
Country or region: South America


Title: Enhancing Dialogue among Difficult Social Groups
Organizers: Global Campaign for Climate Action – GCCA. Es una coalición de mas de 250 organizaciones a nivel global y de diversos sectores tales como el medio ambiente, desarrollo, derechos humanos, trabajo humanitario, fe, laboral, científicos, etc. En el año 2009 el GCCA se conoció a nivel publico bajo el logo de su campaña TckTckTck.
Country or region: International


Title: How to turn our countries, one by one, into green leaders
Organizers: Global Campaign for Climate Action – GCCA. Es una coalición de mas de 250 organizaciones a nivel global y de diversos sectores tales como el medio ambiente, desarrollo, derechos humanos, trabajo humanitario, fe, laboral, científicos, etc. En el año 2009 el GCCA se conoció a nivel publico bajo el logo de su campaña TckTckTck.
Country or region: International


Title: The living well of Andean Indigenous Peoples as an alternative to face Climate Change issues.
Organizers: Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas – CAOI
Country or region: Andean


Title: The other frontier
Organizers: Equipo Informe desarrollo humano – PNUD – Bolivia
Country or region: Bolivia


Title: The bike as a tool of resistance to the capitalist model and as a symbol of freedom.
Organizers: Los cicloexpedicionarios por Suramérica, Defensa Ciclista Cochabamba y la red Tinku.
Country or region: Colombia


Title: Building a Global Day of Action for the next COP (Mexico)
Organizers: Climat et Justice social (Belgium), Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente (Bolivia), Global Climate Campaign (UK based, but with global reach).
Country or region: International